by hadrian-admin_manueklock | Oct 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
The HADRIAN consortium met again! Over 20 partners were on-site and some more joint online. Thanks a lot, to our hosts Kristina Stojmenova and Jaka Sodnik. It was a pleasure to meeting the consortium at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,...
by hadrian-admin_manueklock | Sep 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Acceptance and safety of automated driving vehicles is currently limited by unclearly defined driver roles, especially when transitioning between multiple levels of automated driving. The EU HADRIAN project investigates how increasing the predictability of automated...
by hadrian-admin_manueklock | May 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
To enable the mobility of elderly drivers through automated driving, the HADRIAN consortium is developing a Guardian Angel system which protects them in their daily driving while allowing them to stay active and engaged. To this end, Tecnalia has developed the...
by hadrian-admin_manueklock | Apr 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
The HADRIAN consortium met in Bilbao at TECNALIA Research & Innovation. 25 representatives from many European countries from industry and research attended personally and many others joined online – a real pleasure to work together on the HADRIAN innovations. The...
by hadrian-admin_manueklock | Mar 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
The newsletter updates you on the main activities in the HADRIAN project that intends to improve the human driver role during automated driving. The activities in year two focused on studying the effects of haptic feedback, optimized head-up displays, adding...