HADRIAN Human Reliability Assessment Tool

Human reliability analysis (HRA) is a systematic approach to identify, quantify, and reduce the human errors of human–machine systems.  HRA involves evaluating the tasks and responsibilities of individuals in a system, as well as external factors that may influence performance.  In essence, HRA allows us to understand and fix safety critical issues in these systems, ideally before preventable accidents happen.  While HRA is often used in the nuclear energy industry, it has yet to be established in the automated driving sector.  This also means that there are no standard practices or methods for HRA in this context.  However, assessing the risk of human error is vital for the development of safer automated vehicles where system functions require close interaction with human drivers, for example while using the automated driving functionality and taking back control at the end of the operation and design features to prevent accidents.

In the HADRIAN project, the consortium developed such a tool based on existing tools in the nuclear energy domain and makes it openly available.By clicking on following link, you will receive a set of excel-files that implement the safety methodology as described in Section 5 of the HADRIAN deliverable 5.4 Overall effectiveness assessment tool and final effectiveness assessment. By clicking on following link, you will receive a set of excel-files that implement the safety methodology as described in Section 5 of the HADRIAN deliverable 5.4 (link):

Download the HADRIAN HRA Tool